
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Computer Virus

What is a Computer Virus and how does it works.?

VIRUS [Vital Information Resources Under Siege]

-Computer viruses are also one kind of compute program. But those are malicious programs which will harm your computer system.A virus always tries to harm you by sending your data to someone else. Or it will try to delete your files.A computer virus have full access to your hard-drive.Once if it runs it is quite hard to stop it. Because they are coded by expert programmers who have a vast knowledge in computer system. Virus coders make a virus by giving command to a program.

Computer virus can fully damage your computer.

There are many kinds of Computer Virus as-
  • Trojan 
  • Autorun
  • Worm
  • Zip Bombar
  • Remote Access Toolkit (Most Dangerous)
  • Malware etc...

Tips to stay secured from Computer Virus.

1. Install a good antivirus & try to scan your computer at last one time in a week.

2. Memory Cards, Pendrives, DVDs are common terms how a virus can enter in your computer.  Always Scan Memory Card, Pendrive, DVDs before using or copying files from them.

3. Always update your antivirus.

4.Do not download any image,video or music if its extension is .exe.

5. Scan every .exe .inf & .bat files. Most of the viruses are in these form.

6. Turn on your windows Firewall.

&& Most Important to stay Touched & keep yourself secured.
Thank You For Reading.

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