The device we use, laptop or smartphone- however, the original battery price of these devices are very costly in the market. To avoid these price we buy local company battery. Now, our big mistake is here. We think these cheap cost battery will give us maximum satisfaction. But these third party battery can not give you ultimate satisfaction. Moreover, many analysis said that the maximum accidents which is occurred in our device, these third party battery are responsible for that.
If you concentrate you will see the original battery price of a laptop is 87$ but the local battery price is around 40-45$. Now there is a question "How can they produce such kind of cheap batteries?"
Consequence of cheap battery:
Now, let's see the reality of these third party batteries.In 2013, there was an accident happend with an 18 year old girl. The device that was carried by her occurred an explosion. the device was 'Samsung Glawy S3' and it contained a third party battery. The most interesting part is that the original logo of Samsung was used there.
On the other hand not only local bateeries contains such kind of problem. In 2013, Bestbuy withdraw 5000 battery of MacBook after reviewing a report of 13 Problems of their battery. One of the most serious accident was the burning leg of a customer.
You might be thinking that if you buy local battery from your well-known shop in cheap rate, it will not cause any problem.
But you are absolutely wrong. If there is any internel problem, the shopkeeper can not do anything. The original Companies try to maintain their quality in the market. Therefore, the price is comparitively high. But the local companies try to reach all kind of customers in the market so they produce low quality battery.
Reason for battery explosion:
In latest device maximum company use LI-ion(Lithium ion) battery. The reason for the explosion of these battery is It produce heavy heat. When these batteries become hot it create positive Feedback loop, for that reason it produce more heat.These process continue until the battery explode.
According to info world the most possible reason of battery problems are short circuit, excessive heat, over charging etc.
As the local producers try to collect all kind of customers, they produce cheap battery, as a result the internal component of these batteries are very low quality.
Others problems:
Suppose, your battery is low quality. But it will not explode. Now, how will you unerstand that it is a low quality battery. You will face problems like, It will take long time to charge, Less charge after short time, produce heavy heat etc.These are the common problems.You will find these kind of batteries in any market, even you will find it on Ebay in exclusive price. Even the sellers will trick you with applying original logo.
What to do:
Now you will understand what should you do. For some less price you might not risk your life or your device. So, it is better for you to buy original battery though it has high price.Final words:
If you want to find everything cheap in your life, your life will also become cheap. Your first priority should be your own Safety. So be smart and find the right product for you.That's all about our today's topic. Stay connected with us and co-operate with us. Be safe and Be happy.
Thank you.
------------ D3vi1 Kn1gh7
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